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Noah Booth

Financial Literacy Book for Youth Written by a TeenHow to Buy the Book
financial advice for youth


“Inspiring stories.  Clear advice.  Written for young people, by an actual young person.  A Rich Future is a winner."

Bruce Sellery
CEO, Credit Canada and Money Columnist, CBC Radio

"A Rich Future is written in a clear, loose, upbeat style that sounds like [Noah] talking to you in an informed but non-judgey way"

Rob Carrick
The Globe & Mail

"If you are a student, or an educator, this book is the perfect introduction to essential financial concepts for youth"

Robert de Mello
Associate Wealth Advisor & Financial Planner

"A Rich Future is a nice easy read that even a 50+ year-old like me can understand"

Michelle Armstrong
Owner/CEO Cobblestone Collective

"I highly recommend this book to anyone [...] It is easy to read and entertaining and helps you better manage your money and build wealth"

Jean-Marie Chan Kin
Money Coach, CPA and CFP

"A Rich Future provided clear explanations and practical examples that have made complex financial concepts accessible to my students [...] Thank you for your invaluable contribution to financial education"

Dave Dickinson
FAST Program | Business Teacher
financial advice for youth

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About the book
Noah Booth

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